Archive for May, 2009

Next Stop UDS

All the Canonical folks are meeting this week prior to UDS.  We’ve already had some great discussions including:

Canonical Plan for World Domination

— text redacted —

(Sorry, if I told you, I’d have to kill you.)

Actually, it is a great time to see all our co-workers from across the globe.  However, I can’t wait for next week, when UDS starts.  UDS is a great time to see all of you, the people that make Ubuntu great.  Please come up to me and talk to me, even if I seem busy.  We are randomizing the tracks this UDS, so each track will move to a new room after each session.  There is no more hiding in a room and not meeting new people.  Please take advantage of it.  The F/OSS world is a weird diverse and interesting place, don’t let yourself miss any of it.

UDS Barcelona Has Incredible Potential

This UDS each track will have two session rooms, plus a breakout room. That means we will have, at least, twice as many sessions. We should some out of it with twice as many specs for new features. My question is, how will we handle twice the data?

In previous UDS’ the server track was very well documented, thanks to Adam Sommer from the documentation team.  Adam was able to attend all sessions, and the documentation was uniform, because one person was responsible for the format. I think that because of Adam’s excellent work, we had some of the best documented sessions at UDS.  This was good, because I am usually suffering from information overload by the end, and unable to remember my name, let alone the critical details of the discussions.  We will have to come up with another solution in Barcelona.  Adam will only be in some of the sessions, so the rest of us will have to pick up the slack.

If we take good uniform notes, we could come out of this UDS with more data from more discussions than ever before. This will ultimately result in a better Ubuntu.  All we have to do process all the data in a usable way.  So, you will probably hear me start every session with a reminder about note taking and a quick review of the format we want them in.

Free as in beer:
As usual, Server Team community members find me at UDS and I will buy you a beer.

I’ll be at the Free Software & Technology Expo in St Louis, MO on Saturday

I’ll be speaking at the Free Software & Technology Expo tomorrow May 9th.
My talk will cover:
* What’s new in Jaunty, including the Ubuntu Enterprise cloud
* Hints of what might come in Karmic, and a UDS preview
* Observations from the front line (or What it’s like to work for Canonical, and the furious pace of our 6 month release cycle

If you are in or around St Louis, stop by and say hello. I’d love to talk to you!